Friday, March 26, 2010

Plans Schzmans

I absolutely LOVE the chorus to Switchfoot's "Your Love is a Song":

"Your love is a symphony
All around me
Running through me
Your love is a melody
Underneath me
Running to me

Oh, your love is a song"

Our plans have indeed changed. It was an exceptionally stressful day full of multiple trips in Houston, the city we cringe at the mere thought of getting near it. Thankfully we survived it all.

Yes, our plans changed. It must be God's will. Somehow there's peace of mind now, I'm smiling.

Your Love is indeed a Song. Thank You Lord.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nothing Better than Faith

That's pretty much my thought right now. I'm sitting here thinking about possible changes of plans because of variables we don't have control of; and two things are keeping me pretty relaxed despite what's going on: my loving hubby Sam, and my trust in God. I keep thinking that whatever happens, it's all a part of God's plan, so we need to trust in Him.

What a wonderful feeling!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Enjoying the Little Things

This weekend we went to Palacios to spend some time with Sam's grandparents. It was such a humbling reminder of simpler times and above all, beautiful love. Putting the brakes on life every once in a while can be so therapeutic! We loved hearing Grandpa tell us stories from when he was young, and when he and Grandma were a young couple and had virtually nothing. Kinda made us realize that we've had it pretty easy in life..! We know they enjoyed having us over, too. Grandma was so excited: she had a great big lunch ready for us when we first got in, and had thoroughly planned every meal we had after that to make sure everything was perfect.

Before going to Palacios we finally mulched our front yard, woohoo! Everything outside is starting to bloom, I'm very excited :)

Even though taking care of knock-out roses is NOT my favorite thing to do, the roses really ARE pretty!

My hands did suffer a bit... great times though :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Today's ideal Sunday

Cannot get any better than listening to Mr. John Coltrane while getting the living room ready for painting, with all the blinds open to let the cloudy-day sunlight in :) It's a rare calm day, and it's perfect! (Don't know that Sam would say the same since he's working on taxes..) Funny enough, a part of me can't wait to continue watching "Quarantine" later this afternoon. Oh yeah, it's a GREAT day :)