This weekend we went to Palacios to spend some time with Sam's grandparents. It was such a humbling reminder of simpler times and above all, beautiful love. Putting the brakes on life every once in a while can be so therapeutic! We loved hearing Grandpa tell us stories from when he was young, and when he and Grandma were a young couple and had virtually nothing. Kinda made us realize that we've had it pretty easy in life..! We know they enjoyed having us over, too. Grandma was so excited: she had a great big lunch ready for us when we first got in, and had thoroughly planned every meal we had after that to make sure everything was perfect.
Before going to Palacios we finally mulched our front yard, woohoo! Everything outside is starting to bloom, I'm very excited :)
Even though taking care of knock-out roses is NOT my favorite thing to do, the roses really ARE pretty!
My hands did suffer a bit... great times though :)