Having a full-time job and being a wife, my daily life is moderately to heavily filled with responsibilities: working, cooking, cleaning, washing, dusting... being a good employee, keeping a home in order and making sure that my husband's needs are met can be a bit overwhelming at times. About eight months ago, I began to notice that all I did was wish that I didn't have to work so I could stay at home and enjoy life more. Poor Sam had to hear me complain about work and about not having enough time to do anything. So I reached a point where I asked myself, "what ARE you doing with your time?". Well, here comes the embarrassing part:
After work I would get home, talk to Sam a little bit about how our days went, then I'd sit in front of this computer for half an hour to an hour reading about... celebrities. I cannot for the life of me understand WHY I like to read this stuff, but I do. Then, Sam and I would have dinner while watching a TV show, then I'd come back to the computer while he played games. I'd often either stay online until late, or watch TV show reruns. Wow! That sure sounds like a great and productive life, doesn't it? Then, I'd leave everything I needed to do until Sundays, which would make those days completely stress-ridden.
So, Sam and I discussed the situation, and after much arguing against the idea (this would be me), he finally convinced me that the best thing to do would be to have a weekly schedule to get things done; in that way we would both have responsibilities and these would be spaced out more. So each night we each have something to do: he mows and does the vacuuming around the house, while I do the dusting, the kitchen and the bathrooms. I have to give it to Sam: the schedule WORKS! I think we appreciate the time that the other contributes in keeping the house in order, and really look forward to times together. I spend less time reading trivial things, and more time doing quiet housework... watching a movie with Sam... reading... praying... watching birds! I got this one from Sam and his family; I did not understand it at all at first. But I've come to appreciate this seemingly insignificant activity so much..! As Rick Warren states in Purpose: "knowing your purpose... ...becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren't."
Like I say in my "About me", I'm one lucky lady :) I love my husband Sam, so very much. He brings balance to my at times disorganized life. I feel truly humbled when I think that God decided that Sam and I should become a family. I seek for a simple, humble, God-centered life, and with Sam... ... with Sam I feel like I can become who God wants me to be :)
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