Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Almost three weeks into the new job, I can safely say that I'm enjoying the change (AND the electrical mumbo jumbo, too). The new job is a straight 8-to-5, no-stress job. I come home every day with plenty of time to spend with the hubby, read, relax... yep, THIS is what life should be like for everybody.   

I have begun drinking this tea I found at HEB, called Don Quai's Women's Energy tea. It's helped me enormously when it comes to feeling more energy throughout the day, and even helped me have a period. I'm very much hoping that it helps me have a second period (and a third, and a fourth... you get the idea), since ideally I would love to be synthetic-hormone-free. We'll see.

I read an article recently regarding premature ovarian syndrome. It turns out that aside of being at-risk for osteoporosis and heart problems, women with the condition (like myself) have a shorter life expectancy and are at risk of having potentially fatal cerebral aneurysms and developing neurological disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The article also explains that previous estimates which calculated that 1% of women suffered from POF were low: it turns out that the number may be closer to 6%. 

Thankfully this tea, which I drink everyday, also keeps me from having minor panic attacks (common in menopausal women). Otherwise the paragraph above would make my heart explode. And thankfully, my life has changed for the better: information like this makes me feel even happier and more relieved that I'm OUT of the stress I was in for far too long. As much as I enjoyed designing buildings, it is not worth it. 

And you know what... I have not missed Architecture. I truly enjoyed it while it lasted, but nothing compares to beginning to be happy again, both at home and at work.

Praise the Lord for this. 

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