Friday, November 6, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

In my attempt to follow closely in Jesus' footsteps, I often find myself praying for God to help me be better at exercising a virtue I may not excel at; some of these hard-for-me virtues are patience, leaving everything in God's hands, serenity... you name it! The first two are particularly hard for me; at times I can be quite impulsive both in actions and in words, and many times when I find myself in difficult situations I tend to want to control as much as I can out of such situation; in other words, I forget that God is in control, not me.

So last week a "difficult situation" tornado of sorts passed through our household: Sam became sick with the flu, things at work became hectic, and a past employer asked me to do some work for her on the side. I had to work last weekend, which resulted in the house becoming a mess from not being cleaned and me not having enough time to do laundry or cook. Most importantly, I felt guilty for not being home to take care of my husband, as I should. I was frustrated! I told my friend earlier today that, "when you become part of a team and fifty-percent of your team is down, it's not easy to handle it all".

I forgot to pray for patience. I failed to see that God was giving me a golden opportunity to exercise my patience, and to leave everything in His hands. I was becoming irritated with everything that was going on, and in the midst of it all I didn't pause to keep silent for a bit, and sense God's presence in our lives.

Things like this make me fall in love with God even more. "Ask and you shall receive". Wow! It's such a beautiful thing, this amazing love that He has for us. He above all is the Supreme Teacher. He is our loving Father. And He wants us to succeed in this life, He wants us to follow Him. What more could I possibly want but God?

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