Sunday, November 15, 2009

A U.S. Citizen... A Short One

I just realized that the title for this posting has an unintended (and funny) double meaning: this will indeed be a "short" posting, but I am also a brand-new "short" U.S. citizen :D

Yes! I have finally become a citizen of this beautiful country. I'm quite happy to have taken this step! I wasn't always thrilled about this, though: for a year or two, I struggled with the fear that by becoming a U.S. citizen, I would lose a little more of my Venezuelan self. My native country is beautiful, passionate, full of life and energy, wild, dangerous at times... I miss it sometimes; I crave it. After giving it much thought, I've come to understand that Venezuela is and will forever be in my blood: that kind of passion doesn't die. And while it is quite sad to know that politics and greedy men have made my home country what it is today, I will never stop being proud of who I am and where I came from.

Maybe I am a bit nostalgic tonight.

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